Saturday, August 11, 2012

Running in Popular Culture

The popular defined by several anthropologists in a variety of ways. Here are some definitions:

Grazian: “well-liked,” “well-known,” “commercial media,” or “belonging to the people,” (6).

Freccero: “the everyday terrain of people,” (14) 

Culture is also defined by anthropologists in a variety of ways. Here are their definitions:

Grazian: “a mode of living in the world as a social being, as represented by the practices, rituals, behaviors, activities, and artifacts that make up the experience of everyday life,” (9).

Freccero: “the everyday practices, representations, and cultural productions of people and post-industrial society,” (13).

Hall: “changing and uneven relations of force,” (449)

“a sort of constant battlefield” between the interpretations of elites and the people (447).

“Popular culture is all those things that ‘the people’ do or have done. This close to an ‘anthropological’ definition of the term: the culture, mores, customs, and folkways of ‘the people’. What defines their ‘distinctive way of life’” (Hall, 448)

“Popular forms become enhanced in cultural value, go up the cultural escalator – and find themselves on the opposite side”

By these definitions of the popular and culture running can be seen as an aspect of popular culture today.

“It seems to me that the cultural process – cultural power – in our society depends, in the first instance, on this drawing of the line, always in each period in a different place, as to what is to be incorporated into ‘the great’ tradition and what is not. Educational and cultural institutions, along with the many positive things they do, also help to discipline and police this boundary” (450)

Responses from the survey seemed to largely be in support of the fact that running is growing as a part of societies popular culture:

"I think that running is a relatively positive aspect of our popular culture since runners are typically seen as being healthy and as not being lazy" 

"Running is such a great exercise and can be used to spread awareness and for fun. It's definitely a big part of culture today. A lot of fundraisers are focused on runs or walks" 

"It is now cool to be a runner. People still think we are crazy" 

"I think running has become more of a cultural norm as our nation is slowly making a conscious shift to become more fit."

"I feel that running, along with other sports, is becoming more popular! Today there are many "fun" events such as the "Mud Run" and the "Color Run" that encourage people who normally don't run to get out there and run a quick 5K and have fun being active." 

This individual makes a great point that there are these novelty runs that are put on in major cities that attract huge numbers of people. These runs are more for fun and don't attract as many serious racers but it shows that running and the excitement that comes with these events attracts a huge part of society. When the Color Run came to seattle it sold out in the first hour that it was open for public registration. This shows just how much interest there is for people to participate in a running event that is fun to do with friends but also benefits chosen charities. 

"Running is becoming more and more trendy. I still have friends who think I'm crazy and I have others who used to mock me suddenly nipping at my heels."

"Running fits in well as there is a trend over the past few years for less couch sitting and more fitness."

"I think running is a part of main stream society today in the USA. There has been a growing trend toward more physically active people and healthy eating habits. You see it on television and in most neighborhoods." 

"I think it is most plugged in because of the popularity of runs for charity. Also, it is an accessible sport in terms of affordability." 

In response to this question many people recognized that todays society is attracted to the trend of trying to incorporate health and fitness more into daily life. 

When the summer olympic games come around every 4 years there is a large spotlight on sports and active lifestyles. This helps encourage, motivate, and support this lifestyle that people are aiming towards. Also, a friend of mine told me that at a job interview for a swim coaching job the lady that was conducting the interview talked about how there would be more kids this year because they are excited and pumped up about joining a sport.   

This is in support of Halls statement that a common sense meaning of the popular is that "the things which are said to be ‘popular’ because masses of people listen to them by them, read them, consume them, and seem to enjoy them to the full” (466). 
Masses and masses of people from all over the world are excited to watch athletes compete in their sport and in doing so it makes the sports become more appreciated, appealing, and exciting. Therefore, helping running become intertwined further into todays popular culture.

Another statement by Stuart Hall reflects what society is trending towards in accordance with active and healthy lifestyles. “The cultural industries do have the power constantly to rework and reshape what they represent; and, by repetition and selection, to impose and implant such definitions of ourselves as fit more easily the descriptions of the dominant or preferred culture” (Hall, 447). This type of lifestyle is becoming a dominate preferred trend throughout our culture and society.
Also, in accordance with Hall's quote above these perspectives that have been gathered from the survey support the statement that running is becoming a distinctive way of life and therefore can be considered popular. 

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